• Applications currently open for all three independent director positions are now being requested for varying term length on the USA Cricket Board
  • Reminder that all applications must be submitted by November 21st, 2022

On October 24th, 2022, the new Nominating and Governance Committee (NGC) of USA Cricket announced its request for applicants to fill three vacant positions of Independent Directors on USA Cricket’s Board of Directors. 

As a reminder, one position will be for a 1-year term; one position for a 2-year term; and one position for a 3-year term. More details on the application and announcement can be found here.

The NGC is pleased with the many early applications received to date, but noticed that some of these applications were not fully completed as mandated. Specifically, some applications were not accompanied by a Resume, and/or fields on the application form were left blank/unanswered. For anyone who cannot download the word version of the application form here, there is also now a .pdf version on the website here.  

In our best efforts to ensure that fairness and equal opportunity are afforded to all interested applicants, we are issuing this final Alert to once again, call attention to these mandatory requirements; and to grant a final opportunity to applicants who have already applied, for them to re-submit a corrected application as they see fit. In so doing, we urge all applicants to ensure that their application is fully completed to include the filling out of all fields on the form, and that their Resume is attached to the email. 

Eligible Candidates must be citizens or permanent residents of, and residing in the United States of America. Other details of eligibility criteria and an application form can be downloaded by clicking here. All applications must be completed and sent to the following e-mail address: ngc@usacricket-dev.cdn-pi.com

Any individual who wishes to be considered, or to be put forward by another person for consideration, is invited to submit their application by no later than the original deadline of November 21, 2022, 11:59 PM PST.

If applicants have any questions regarding the application, please contact the NGC via e-mail at ngc@usacricket-dev.cdn-pi.com.
